SEO Content writing

“68% of online experiences begin with a search engine”  (source)

When it comes to SEO, content is still king. You can’t just go about stuffing keywords in your pages and hope for your content to rank on the top of search results. Your content determines the success of your SEO efforts. We can go so far as to say that content is the backbone of SEO.

Standing out in the digital realm demands exceptional content that satisfies users’ search intent while making it easier for search engine bots to understand what the page is about. With that in mind, let’s get into the different types of content and how it can impact your SEO. These SEO content writing types do more than just attract eyeballs—they drive conversions. But before that, let’s understand the nitty-gritty of SEO writing:


What are the Basics of SEO Writing?

SEO writing isn’t just about inserting keywords in content wherever they fit. It’s striking a balance between writing for search engines and users. So, let’s follow these basics first.

Begin with keyword research:

Knowing what your audience searches for is the cornerstone of any SEO strategy. That is where keyword research comes into the picture. Start with coming up with a seed keyword, a phrase, if you type in the search bar, brings results related to your business.

Then, find more terms similar to your seed keyword using a keyword research tool or Google’s “people also search for” feature. In-depth research is key here. Create a list of keywords that are searched heavily or moderately on search engines. These keywords should deliver the results related to your products or services.


Placing Keywords in Your Content:

Once you have a list of keywords, don’t just sprinkle them in; place them in your content strategically. The title, subheadings, and the first paragraph are key areas. That is where search engines pay the most attention.


Meta descriptions matter:

That’s the small text under the page title in search results. A compelling meta description that briefly describes the page content can be the difference between a click and a scroll-by.

meta description and title


Pay attention to content structure:

Content structure helps users navigate through and understand the piles of information your page contains.

Think paragraphs that aren’t walls of text, subheadings that summarise key points, and lists that break down complex information into easily digestible chunks.

A clean content structure will make the flow between the title and the paragraphs easy, creating a sync between each subhead title and the main SEO keywords. Content structures are built after researching the structure map of competitors’ blogs. A good page structure makes the page more scannable, increasing the chances that a reader stays engaged, and makes a page more rankable.


Pay attention to quality:

Last but not least, quality is king. Write content not just to appease search engine algorithms but to offer real value to your readers. It needs to be accurate, thorough, and ideally, better than what’s already out there.

So there you have it—keyword placement, meta descriptions, structure, and quality. Get these four elements right, and you’re well on your way.


What are the benefits of Good Content for SEO

– Higher search rankings

Being buried on the 10th page of Google is like having a billboard in the desert: useless. You want to be where the action is—the first page. The tried-and-true way to get there? Exceptional content. We’re not just talking 500-word blog posts; we mean well-researched, comprehensive articles that answer real questions people are asking.

Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to get to the bottom of what your audience wants. Then build your content around that, instead of guessing. Publish routinely to keep the search engine spiders coming back. This isn’t just a one-time boost; it’s an ongoing strategy to keep your site’s ranking ascending over time.


– Increased organic traffic

Ads have their place, but nothing beats the credibility of a search result you didn’t pay for. Organic traffic is the lifeblood of a trustworthy online presence. Start by identifying which pieces of content are your MVPs — the ones pulling in the most organic traffic. Double-down on these. If a guide on “10 Tips for Home Gardening” is getting traction, follow it up with “Advanced Techniques for Garden Pest Control.” Your analytics aren’t just charts; they’re a roadmap for what kind of content you should produce more. Check them regularly, adjust your strategy, and watch your organic traffic grow.


– Enhanced user engagement

Do you know what a bored reader does? They leave. An engaged reader, however, interacts, scrolls, clicks, and maybe even shares your content. It’s not vanity stuff; this stuff matters in the eyes of Google.

The longer someone lingers on your page, the more valuable search engines deem your site to be. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Make your articles digestible.
  • Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and relevant headers.
  • Consider including ‘click to tweet’ options for quotable insights or notable facts.
  • You’re not just providing information; you’re providing an experience. Make it as user friendly as possible.


– Improved conversion rates

In the online world, time is money. The quicker you convince a visitor to take action, the better. Forget fluffy introductions; get to the point. Whether you’re selling a product or asking for newsletter sign-ups, make your call-to-action crystal clear. And don’t just tell your audience why they should take action; show them.

Use compelling case studies or before-and-after images to make your point. Make the next steps effortless—nobody should have to hunt for your ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Subscribe’ button. Do this well, and watch your conversion rates climb, not just your traffic.


– Backlink generation

If reputable and relevant websites link to your content, search engines take that as a vote of confidence. How do you make this happen? Produce content that people can’t help but refer to. Whether it’s groundbreaking research or a go-to guide for a common problem, make your content the authority on the topic. A pro tip? Reach out to industry influencers and ask them to share your content if they find it useful. That’s a direct action to amplify your Quality backlink profile.


– Brand recognition and trust

You don’t want to be just another webpage; you want to be the go-to source for quality information. Branding isn’t just about a logo or a catchy slogan. It’s about consistently delivering value. Put simply, your content should be so good that people remember your name every time they think about your industry. So, keep the quality high, keep it consistent, and your brand will naturally embed itself in people’s minds. That leads to trust, which isn’t just a feel-good factor; it’s a key influencer in purchase decisions.


– Social Media Amplification

You want your content to do well in search engine rankings but don’t forget about social media. Create content that people want to share. How? Think about what catches your eye on your own social feed. It’s usually something valuable, interesting, or even controversial. Use your content to solve specific problems, answer burning questions, or provide new insights, and then make it super easy for people to share it.

Including social sharing buttons prominently on your page can make a difference. It’s a cycle: the more your content gets shared on social media, the more people will see it and the higher the chances it will be linked back to, improving your SEO.


Now let’s get to the top 10 types of content that matter for SEO


10 Types of Content for SEO

– Blog Posts

Consider blog posts writing the powerhouse of your SEO strategy. They’re not just for keyword placement or topical relevance, but they are more like a value-packed resource centre for your audience.

A good blog should essentially serve as a library of your industry’s questions and answers. Whether it’s breaking down complex issues or offering step-by-step guides, the content should be so useful that the reader bookmarks it for future reference. As you build this repository of value, search engines will pick up on the recurrent user engagement and reward you with better rankings.

Beekeeper churns out really informative TOFU articles that introduce the brand to their target audience.

A brand that does this content format really well

For eg –

Because you can create blogs more quickly than other forms of content, thy are excellent for SEO. Also, they are typically between 1000 and 1500 words long. So, you can publish them more often.

In addition, frequently posting blogs yields better outcomes; 60% of bloggers who post on a daily basis say their blogs bring positive returns.


– Long-form articles

Long-form articles are your opportunity to showcase thought leadership. The digital space has tons of content, but what sticks is well-researched, deeply analytical articles that probe the ins and outs of a subject. Here, you’re not just providing a skim read; you’re serving a full-course meal of insights and valuable information. Readers spend more time on these articles, and if they find real value, they’ll share it, generating valuable backlinks. The effort put into these pieces translates into sustained organic traffic and a fortified online presence.


Here is a long-format content piece we have written for our website that acts as a lead magnet. 

A brand that does this content format really well

Betterworks does this exceedingly well by coming up with authoritative pillar blogs that showcase thought leadership.

– Infographics

It’s easy to dismiss infographics as mere decoration, but they’re a powerful tool for engagement and SEO. A well-structured infographic can distill complex data into easily understandable visual narratives, encouraging social shares and engagement. However, they can’t stand alone for SEO. Pairing them with a well-crafted, keyword-laden description or accompanying article ensures you don’t miss out on text-based search queries. These accompanying texts enrich the infographic design, converting it from a mere visual asset to a multi-dimensional SEO tool.

Here is an infographic blog that was published for one of our clients, which easily explains what is a collateral free business loan.

A brand that does this content format really well

Hubspot publishes beautiful infographic blog posts that drive home the point. Because pictures are worth 1000 words.



– Videos

According to research, video content has become a go-to medium for information and entertainment for viewers. It improves conversion rate by 86%. Crafting quality videos requires a particular skill set, but don’t forget the textual elements, such as the title and description, which require as much care.

The key is to use descriptive, keyword-rich titles and compelling meta descriptions that genuinely describe the video’s content. Additionally, using well-timed captions can contribute to improved SEO. One superb video can significantly spike your user engagement metrics, signaling search engines to rate you higher.

Video on your website increases your chances of appearing on the first page of Google results by 53 times.

A brand that does this content format really well

Vox posts a lot of high-quality videos on its social media pages that drive retention and brand recall


– Product Pages

Imagine walking into a physical store where products are randomly thrown around. A turn-off, right? That’s how important the structuring of your online product pages is. But it’s not just about aesthetics. From an SEO perspective, each product page is a unique opportunity to rank for targeted keywords.

Optimal product descriptions, incorporating naturally flowing keywords, can turn a simple product page into an SEO goldmine. These pages become not just selling points but reference resources that potential customers might bookmark, share, and ultimately convert on.

Product pages are great for SEO because they get a lot of organic traffic from people who are ready to pay i.e. from relevant target audiences who are already very down on the funnel.

Under Armour’s product pages are a case in point. Featuring eye-catching visuals, they include every small detail that answers all visitor queries.


– Lists

Why do people love lists? They’re organized, straightforward, and promise quick, accessible information. From an SEO viewpoint, lists are like a well-oiled machine, smoothly integrating keywords without sounding artificial.

But there’s more: the headlines of list articles often naturally form long-tail keywords, those specific phrases people type into search bars. These can be your golden ticket to highly targeted organic traffic. Lists also make for highly shareable content, earning you valuable backlinks, another cornerstone of SEO.

Perhaps the pioneer in writing listicles is Buzzfeed. Nearly 80% of their blog posts are listicles


– Guides

With their in-depth nature, guides offer the reader a one-stop shop for information, significantly boosting the average time spent on your page. And time spent is a crucial ranking factor for Google. Additionally, guides can be repurposed into a series of blog posts, FAQs, or even downloadable PDFs, providing multiple opportunities for keyword targeting and internal linking. This kind of resource-heavy content naturally earns backlinks, further lifting your SEO profile.

Neil Patel has been consistently producing helpful how-to guides and tutorial blog posts that educate and engage.

– Reviews

Reviews play a unique role; they sit at the crossroads between content and customer trust. A well-constructed, SEO-optimised review doesn’t merely list features or compare products. It delves into user experience, long-term reliability, and value for money, offering readers tangible insights they can act upon.

From an SEO perspective, reviews are goldmines for long-tail keywords, particularly those that are question based or comparative (‘vs,’ ‘best,’ ‘review’). These naturally fit into the content, making your reviews not just user friendly but also Google-friendly.


– Podcasts

On the surface, podcasts may not seem SEO-relevant because search engines can’t listen to audio. That’s where transcriptions come into play. A keyword-rich transcript complements your podcast, making it searchable. More so, by offering a text-based alternative, you’re essentially creating two pieces of content in one go, catering to the reading audience and the listening audience alike, which is excellent for your site’s engagement metrics.

The Sauce by McDonald’s is a brilliant podcast that follows an investigative format made famous by the podcast Serial.


– Local SEO Content

Local SEO content is your handshake with your local community. 30% of all mobile searches are related to location. By focusing on local news, issues or events, you’re telling search engines that you’re relevant to a specific geographic location. This is invaluable for local search queries, business listings, and map searches.

Moreover, local content often attracts backlinks from other community-based sites or blogs, solidifying your standing in local search results. So, this isn’t just content; it’s your local brand identity encapsulated in words.

Ikea is a household name that leverages local SEO to amp up the foot traffic to their stores.


– Conclusion

SEO content writing can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you’re staring at a blank screen wondering what to write. But hopefully, this guide has offered some real, actionable insights.

We’ve talked about 10 types of SEO content, each with its own set of rules and potential gains. For business owners or marketers, this isn’t just another task on your to-do list; it’s your direct line to your audience.

Knowing how to create SEO content that resonates isn’t just a skill—it’s an art form. It’s a blend of understanding the nuts and bolts of Search Engine Optimized content and recognizing the kind of content that your audience actually wants to consume.

So, we circle back to the basics of SEO writing: Know your keywords and your audience. Tailor your strategy to include diverse SEO content types because different strokes work for different folks—in this case, different content works for different audiences.



1. What Are The Basics of SEO Writing?

The basics of SEO writing are about creating content that satisfies two things: the reader and the Google algorithm. Nail this balance, and you’re golden.


2. How Do Different Types of SEO Content Writing Impact Rankings?

Each type of SEO content serves a unique function. Blogs might pull people in, while in-depth articles keep them hooked. Each has its own role in pulling your site up the search ladder.


3. How to Create SEO Content That Really Pulls?

If you’re wondering how to create SEO content that not just exists but excels, start with the basics. Research, outline, write, edit, and most importantly, engage. Sounds simple, but each step is a universe in itself.


4. What is Local SEO Content?

Local SEO Content is your neighbourhood’s local SEO. It’s what puts you on the map—sometimes literally. It makes you visible to the very people who are most likely to walk through your doors.


5. How Do Types of Content Make or Break Your SEO?

They go hand-in-hand. If you’re going heavy on videos but light on written content, you’re missing out on the chance to rank for a ton of relevant keywords. Diversify, and you amplify your chances of being seen.