
Are you making these mistakes with your About Us page?

Though the About Us page of a business website remains to be the most visited of website pages, it is almost always treated as an afterthought. Most business owners assume that since it is mostly self-branding, the About Us content and design can be pushed down the priority listings. This approach is one of the first mistakes you are liable to commit while planning this page. The About Us page is, in fact, your key differentiator from other businesses and websites and is a place to create a rapport with your clients.

Before getting too overwhelmed with the job of creating the perfect About Us page, let’s look at 5 of the common mistakes to avoid:

Mistake 1: It doesn’t tell me about you

Your About Us page is the visitor’s window to you and your business. It is imperative to provide the key details about your work and contacts within the short attention window of the visitor. Here are some boxes you should tick:

Who are you? Introduce your business and team.
What do you offer? Give details about your products and services.
When did you start? Mention the founding year, which is important if you want to showcase experience.
How can you be contacted? Provide all your contact details – phone, email, address and also do not miss out on social links

Mistake 2: It tells me too much about you

One of the worst things you can do to your reader is to lapse into a narcissistic self -rant. While storytelling is fine and often encouraged, a long and winding story that goes into the unnecessary nitty-gritty of your personal career journey might easily bore your visitor. A brief and concise account of necessary details along with some great copywriting skills is all that is needed to make the cut.

Mistake 3: It doesn’t take me into account

As much as the About Us page is about establishing your personality and credentials, it is really not about you. The About Us page should deal with you/your business but only with respect to your service offerings to the visitor/reader. Make sure your content is in tune with the customer requirements. You should:

  • Talk about why the visitor should spend time at your site
  • Talk about the problems you solve
  • Talk about how you can help
  • Talk about what they’re interested in

Mistake 4: It’s badly written

Too long, too verbose, filled with grammar mistakes, no conversational quality and not SEO optimized; these are just some of the ways you could go horribly wrong when writing for the About Us page. It is important to take into account the over-communicated marketplace and ever-decreasing attention span of your present and potential customers to truly appreciate the importance of a well-written and flowing introduction that is easy on the eyes. Don’t just leave it up to your neighbourhood English geek but employ a skilled content writer and editor who has knowledge of the business category and has the capability to align content to business goals.

Mistake 5: It has no visual interest

There’s no denying that this is the age of visuals and videos. Long and uninterrupted prose, however skilfully written, tests the patience of today’s readers. Moreover, the photos of your office and team give your page a ‘personality’ and a voice. Customers are always more reassured with a face to go with the business as it builds credibility and authenticity.

As is evident, a well written and designed About Us page can go a long way in building a rapport with the customer, which is a necessity in these days of tough competition.

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