fix keyword cannibalization issues

How to Identify and Fix Keyword Cannibalization Issues?

Introduction  Are you losing organic traffic and conversions despite being an early mover with your SEO strategy? Is your SEO ranking plunging? Have your service offering pages lost their traffic streams? If yes, then you would surely want to know what is causing this. Exactly why are you losing traffic despite having an SEO strategy […]

Top of the Funnel Content - Justwords

Top-of-the-Funnel Content and Why does it Matter so Much for Your Business?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Content marketing is about creating brand awareness, creating authority in the mind of the customer, building trust, and finally getting him to make a purchase. It is organic marketing. There is no push here. Only pull. If that pull has to happen, you need to be offering something that will attract your customers to your […]

5 ways to measure website core web vitals

5 Easy Ways to Measure Your Website’s Core Web Vitals

Since announcing Core Web Vitals update rollout in May 2021, Google is making it easier for website owners to identify & measure its parameters to optimize their web pages’ experience. Now that search result rankings will be majorly impacted by the user’s experience, the three metrics to measure Core Web Vitals have become the key […]

Google Core Web Vitals May 2021-Update

Keeping up with the Google’s Core Web Vitals Update – May 2021

In May 2020, Google announced that page experience signals will be included in Google search rankings. Google in November 2020 confirmed that Core Web Vitals will become a page ranking signal along with the existing UX-related search signals from May 2021. We're announcing that page experience ranking signals for Google Search will launch in May […]

15 free content syndication platforms that do not affect seo

15 Free Content Syndication Platforms That Do Not Affect Your SEO

If you are reading this blog, you are most likely researching about the merits and demerits of content syndication. Because some say it affects your SEO. To be honest, marketers often confuse between content distribution & content syndication. You will find a ton of blogs advocating syndication whereas many who oppose the same. So, what […]