content writing tool

“Tools Maketh the Man”

If you’ve heard a variation of the above aphorism, then you may already understand the importance of tools that simplify life.

As writers, getting up to the keyboard daily can be difficult. Especially when we are working to meet that dreaded word count. However, using the right tools can make it a productive and enjoyable affair. Even experienced writers require inspiration to continue writing. And like chefs who treasure their knives, writing tools that help cut right to the chase are invaluable to us content peeps.

By providing rapid feedback, revision tips, and more, the right content writing tools will help you improve your content marketing writing skills quickly (both individually and as a part of a team). The right tools will also optimize the creation process and streamline the overall workflow, freeing up time and resources for you to be innovative and work beyond your current capabilities.

Listed below are some of the best content writing tools on the market at the moment, each of which addresses a particular problem with the writing process.

The Best Free Content Writing Tools for Beginners

When it comes time to edit, you will be grateful if you can locate the writing resources, applications, and tools that will assist you in producing excellent prose. Here are a few of our favourites:

1. Grammarly (spelling and grammatical aid)

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Of all the free content writing tools out there, Grammarly is the most popular one.

Its browser extension will detect any typos and grammar errors in your writing and allow you to correct them before posting.

Because it works in the background, you can change your work as you go and avoid overlooking any obvious writing flaws.

While the majority of spelling and grammar errors are corrected in the free version, there is a premium version available that can help you write more effectively.

Standout Features

  • Recommendations suited to different writing styles
  • A wealth of tutorials and learning resources to help improve writing
  • Vocabulary enhancer to improve your wording
  • Free plagiarism detector
  • Wide support for different types of devices and writing platforms


  • Facilitates fast, efficient editing/proofreading
  • Appeals to users across the board, from English learners to native speakers.


  • Often generates counterproductive suggestions

Lacks offline support

Read Also – 12 Grammar Tips for Content Writers who Pursue Perfection

2. ProWritingAid (spelling, grammar and article writing tool)

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If Grammarly’s AI tool for content writing isn’t sufficient to improve your writing and you want to make a bigger commitment to your writing style, ProWritingAid may be the best option.

Unfortunately, I had to cheat by including it here because it wasn’t free. However, this practical content creation tool offers a free trial edition, so you may try it out before you buy.

You can get help from ProWritingAid if you’re worried about the calibre of your writing.

To help you improve your writing, reduce extra words, do away with the dreadful passive voice, and more, download the Chrome extension. It will also help you with spelling and punctuation.

Standout Features

  • Comprehensive writing analyses
  • A thesaurus
  • Plagiarism report
  • Support for different English versions, from American English to Australian English


  • Recommendations adapted to your writing style
  • Relatively cheaper paid plans
  • Works well across many different devices


  • Sluggish text processing
  • Lacks a mobile app
  • No offline support

3. Answer The Public (content inspiration)

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Answer The Public is one of the best free content creation tools for coming up with blog topic ideas. It uses search data to allow you to enter one or two keywords before searching the web for queries related to your themes.

If you were creating content for a cake business, you could type “caramel” into Answer The Public and press search. There are currently 80 search phrases for caramel, some of which may lead to new blogs.

Standout Features

  • Data organisation options
  • Data visualisation tools
  • Periodic recommendations


  • Provides a treasure trove of relevant topic ideas
  • Offers free unlimited searches
  • Filtering options provides clean, hyper-focused reports
  • Supports team collaboration on search projects
  • Supports multiple export options, from text to image formats


  • Related terms are not exact keywords
  • Limited options for exporting search reports
  • Pro plans have relatively steeper pricing
  • Doesn’t provide full data on search terms, like monthly volume, ranking sites, etc.

4. BuzzSumo (blog ideas)

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BuzzSumo is another article writing tool to help you brainstorm blog topic ideas. The free basic version of this content creation tool allows you to perform a topic or keyword search and then examine the top blogs on that topic. Each item lists its ranking and social media shares, so you can quickly see how well-liked and effective a piece has been.

Standout Features

  • Content ideas generator
  • Loads of filtering options
  • Content brief generator
  • Influencer research for chosen topics


  • A trending topics section for related searches
  • Question analyzer dissects searchers intent
  • Advanced queries features facilitate laser-targeted searches
  • Supports elaborate competitor analysis
  • Automated email alerts for competitor updates


  • A comparatively shallow range of search features
  • No customer support
  • Paid plans price out freelancers and small businesses

Additionally, you can use BuzzSumo to identify influencers, monitor rivals, and create alerts for specific words, brands, or websites.

5. Ubersuggest (SEO suggestions and content ideas)

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Ubersuggest is an article writing tool that offers content suggestions by looking up the most read articles on your subject online. This can inspire you to write your next important essay.

Prior to COVID-19, there existed a free version, but now that the majority of the tools are free, it’s a fantastic time to sign up and start using them.

Standout Features

  • Comprehensive site audit tools to improve overall site health
  • Detailed keyword reports
  • Traffic overview of sites and keywords
  • Backlinks overview and backlinking recommendations


  • Analyse specific domains
  • Analyse top-ranking posts
  • Generate related keywords
  • Generate content ideas for keywords
  • Decent pricing


  • The array of search options can overwhelm new users

Additionally, you can use Ubersuggest to select keywords for your blog and get an SEO report for your website.

6. Google Trends (keyword research and topic search)

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Google Trends is one of the most intriguing free content writing tools on the market.

You can enter your chosen term to see what has been trending on this topic, or you can explore the most popular words and phrases worldwide.

Choose a date range to refresh your search and better serve your needs.

For example, searching for the word “coffee” over the past 12 months shows the following results:

  • Coffee drinks
  • Coffee recipes
  • Black coffee
  • And more

Standout Features

  • Search volume index to track keyword performance on search engines
  • Competitor analysis tools


  • Completely free to use
  • Tracks trending keywords in real time
  • Monitor current trends and seasonal trends


  • Only comparative data available, presented in percentages, which can be difficult to interpret
  • Lacks a mobile app


Best Productivity Apps for Writers

It doesn’t matter if you’re the most prolific writer in the world, distractions and writer’s block can make even the best of us falter in our writing journey. The following are some of the best tools for content writing out there that are built around increasing your productivity:

1. RescueTime

Content writing tool 7 - JWRescueTime monitors the amount of time you spend on applications and websites, providing you with an accurate picture of your day. Thus, helping you in investigating apps and web pages you can avoid or limit to save time.

It also allows you to block distracting websites so that you can concentrate on your work. Your dashboard will display all of your productivity data, allowing you to give yourself a pat on the back after a successful round of writing.

Standout Features

  • Daily, weekly goal-setting
  • Distraction blocker (blocks websites, apps, etc.)
  • Task analyzer for a detail-oriented tracking
  • A mobile app


  • Allows you to track your habit in real time
  • Runs quietly in the background
  • Supports offline mode
  • Cross-compatible with a wide range of devices
  • Offers recommendations for work/life balance
  • Co-working space features help track collaborative projects


  • Free version doesn’t offer much
  • Available only on Mac
  • Pricing info is not readily available

2. SelfControl

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This is yet another excellent free app that restricts access to specific websites for a set period of time. SelfControl helps you focus on your priorities without giving into the temptation of hovering on the internet for that viral video you just can’t get out of your head.

You will not be able to access the designated websites as long as the app is running.

Standout Features

  • Multiple blocking plans for different periods and purposes
  • Easy functions for turning on/off and adjusting blocking plans
  • Daily/weekly app usage reports


  • A straightforward interface for blocking websites
  • An open source script that’s free to use


  • Lacks customer support
  • Might inadvertently block needed websites

3. Trello

Content writing tool 9 - JWFor fiction writers, this software is fantastic.

With Trello, you can make a board for your book or short fiction, create a content strategy, then add chapter lists, individual scene cards, and the plot developments for each chapter.

To enhance the overall flow and timeline of your most recent story, you can simply rearrange scenes and make other changes. For authors, check out this Trello post.

Standout Features

  • Time tracker
  • Periodic project reports
  • Live customer support
  • Reliable notification system


  • Several customization options for managing different types of writing projects
  • Versatile support for integrations
  • Support for collaboration and team management


  • The interface might seem complicated to new users
  • Offline mode doesn’t support many important features

4. Write or Die

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Now, full disclaimer here, we are not sure if this one’s for you. It’s for people who really find it worthwhile when they have a source of negative motivation after their back. 

If you are one of those people, then you will love an app that penalises you if you take too long to reach your word count goal, right?

Well, Write or Die is just that. It lets you set a target word count, writing duration, and penalty of your choice before you begin typing. If you don’t meet your target, then you’ll have to put up with an annoying pop-up, the loudest sound ever, or the app will start eating your words!

Standout Features

  • Multiple difficulty levels with different types of reminders
  • Provocative reminders with dramatic responses


  • Allows you to set your target and penalties
  • Works as a very effective timer


  • The word counter is often unreliable
  • Lacks a mobile app
  • The web app often glitches and crashes

5. Freedom

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Freedom is a fantastic tool for staying focused while working. It helps you focus by preventing distracting apps from running on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Windows until your task is completed.

When you need some time alone and concentration, the app is a godsend.

Standout Features

  • Easily customizable block list
  • Internet lockdown mode
  • Soothing background sounds to strengthen your focus


  • Schedule your blockers for specific periods
  • A lock feature pre-commits you and prevents you from changing your settings midway
  • Wide cross-compatibility


  • Requires mobile app installation (even for desktops)


Must have Business Writing Tools

The following business writing and planning tools promote in-depth planning and organisation. By reducing operations, the following tools will enhance and enrich your writing flow:

1. Freemind

Freemind is a mind-mapping programme that is both intuitive and easy to use. As a writer, it will help you avoid the risk of losing the delightful interconnectedness of your thoughts. With Freemind, you may rapidly make maps of the organisation of your papers. It will visualise an idea and all of its associated linkages.  

This is an essential content writing website to use if you write analytically for a living. Writing reports and proposals is a breeze when you have an app that takes care of your thoughts and organises them.

Standout Features

  • Multiple customisation options for mind mapping
  • Hotkeys for menu shortcuts


  • All features are free to access
  • Support for interactive mapping elements
  • Drag-and-drop mapping interface


  • User interface looks clunky and complicated
  • Lacks customer support
  • Runs only with Java scripts

2. Hemingway App

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Using words that appeal to people is one of the primary methods of attracting a reader’s attention when it comes to business writing. The wording should also be as straightforward as possible. This is where the Hemingway App can be a lifesaver. Simply said, it gets rid of bloat. This free programme may be used to copy and paste a document, and it will find overly complex sentences, flag passive voice and adverbs, and suggest simpler alternatives.

The tool is named after Ernest Hemingway, who is renowned for his clear, simple, and direct prose style. It offers tips on how to infuse your business writing with a similar level of clarity, simplicity, and directness.

Standout Features

  • Colour-coded suggestions
  • Detailed readability report
  • No downloads or installation required


  • Available in offline mode
  • Tracks passive voice
  • Simple user-friendly interface


  • The recommendations may not be suitable for certain writing styles
  • Doesn’t provide basic grammar/spelling checks
  • Lacks a mobile app

3. The Writer’s Diet

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The Hemingway App is very similar to this one, with the exception that it also counts the number of verbs, nouns, prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives. Use the Writer’s Diet to filter your results by individual word categories and/or regions, edit directly in your document, and save your work securely to your own desktop using the Writer’s Diet.

Standout Features

  • Writer’s test to improve your writing skills
  • Writing resources from tutors and experts


  • Provides content writing tools free of charge


  • No mobile app
  • No customer support

Read Also – Content Writing 101: How to Become a Successful Content Writer



Which AI tool is best for content writing?

When it comes to AI tools for content writing, Grammarly is a well-known and widely used app for editing sentences and paragraphs.

In addition to Grammarly, INK Editor is a co-writing and SEO (search engine optimization) assistant that allows you to edit your text and also gives you AI base

How can I improve my content writing skills?

If you want to continue to be a relevant writer, you must stay up to date with current trends. Otherwise, your writing possibilities will be limited. If you keep up with the most recent changes to SEO algorithms, social media trends, and search engine improvements, you will be able to produce better and more creative material that also ranks higher on SERPs. This will also gratify your readers or the brands you write for.

What tools do I need to start writing a book?

Writing an entire book from scratch demands commitment and endurance. There are some content writing tools that can help you out on this journey. Try Scrivener to see your notes, research, outline, and writing all in one location. With just one mouse click, you can print your entire work. For organizing your text in one location, Google Docs is an alternative to Scrivener. When it comes to tools that can assist you with your book writing, Google Docs becomes a no-brainer if you have Quillbot and the Grammarly plugin activated on your browser.