
[Free eBook] The top 5 things you need to know before writing for Google


Take almost any topic and Google it. You’ll see hundreds and thousands of pages appearing in search results. According to some estimates, there are over 2 million blog posts written every day! Now, you plan to create content on the same topic – the 1001st piece of content –  that you expect to rank on the first page of Google. The question is how?

If everything about the topic has already been written about 1000 times over, it’ll take quite a bit of skill and expertise to beat 990 other listings and see your blog rank on the first page for the topic. Here’s where your SEO Copywriting skills come through.

As a content marketing agency, we’ve put together several pieces of content for our clients that have helped drive incremental traffic to their website. Incidentally, those pieces of content also rank well for particular high-volume keywords. It was never a chicken-and-egg situation. The key for us was to brainstorm on how the 1001st piece of content on a topic would be fresher and better than all that was already published. We had to put quality above all else to write content. Quality came backed with days of research and time to write original long form content of 3-4000 words on a topic. We weren’t dishing out 5 blogs a week but the one blog that we did do was eventually churning out better rewards.


What we understood from our research

Google uses an algorithm to rank you. But ultimately your content is consumed by humans. Good content is a right mix that is liked by both Google and your customers. This isn’t an idea that can be stolen. This is a concept that needs to be shared with everyone. You see, the more people start creating original, useful and relevant content, the better the search and user experience gets. It’s like a cycle of karma – the more awful, copied or boring content you spew into the universe the more you’ll it get back in search results. But if you contribute to adding good quality content, you’ll eventually be rewarded with traffic, engagement and even leads and conversions.

The only way to start this cycle is by helping everyone around to write better content. By separating the myth from facts, we’ve put together a quick eBook that you can skim through during your next coffee break. We promise it’ll be a very productive coffee break.

Don’t be a part of the ‘everybody writes, so I do too’ brigade of bloggers and blindly believe marketing gurus that if you keep churning out content, you’ll eventually get a windfall of money. If you write but see very little results, in terms of traffic, ranking or conversions, this eBook is for you. It will allow you to understand how to write content first for your readers and then for search engines in a way that you get both engagement and traffic.


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